
Empty Rapture

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Panhead13's avatar

Literature Text

It's a hollow, obsessive need,
That pulls the man towards the needle.
It eats away at the soul, 
and corrodes the body.

The weeds, the weeds that infest the soul,
Pull the child into their strangling embrace,
As they flood his veins with poison,
A sweet poison, an empty rapture.

Those caught in the embrace,
They have but two choices.
They struggle to free themselves,
Or they give in to the empty rapture.

Those that struggle, they bear the marks.
They have the scars, they bear them with pride and shame.
They fought, fought against an enemy,
A monster of their own making.

They bear the scars of the times they fell, 
Of every time they slipped and gave in,
And let the empty rapture sink its needles into their arm,
Or entice the fragrant, binding smoke into them.

They are the reclaimed.
The ones who fought their way
Out of the darkened nightmare
Stained with toxic pleasures.

The others, they are the hopeless.
They chose the darkened path.
They won't stray, and they rush headlong into the enrapturing thorns,
Even as it sweetly, seductively, wantonly kills them.

They are cursed. They crave the feeling,
The rapture, the hollow numbness,
They need it, ache for it, and crave it.
The Empty Rapture is a cruel mistress.

They are cursed forevermore,
To be as dust in the eyes of others,
To wander 'til the end of time,
Until their Mistress calls them to death.

They suffer a piteous fate, one of their own choosing.
Their future is filthy alleyways, broken hearts, and lonely nights,
To wander, as Cain, for the rest of their lives.
To waste away to a husk of their former selves.

The Mistress is cruel, and unrelenting.
Eyes blazing with rage and fire,
Heart black as pitch.
She lurks at the edge of their soul, their willing Tormentor.

She has another side.
It seems softer and kinder,
a beauty like no other,
Seductive as sin.

She offers pleasure,
A way to escape the world,
A way to forget their troubles
A way to "have a good time" 

But she is the same. 
She hates all that is pure,
And her purpose is corruption.
She is Addiction, Dependance, the Empty Rapture

She is the death inside you,
That beckons for "a good time",
And gives you it, for a moment, 
Until she demands your all in return

Lay not your soul into her arms. 
Let not her Empty Rapture try to fill you.
For she is cruel, cold, and hungry,
And she will drag you to your grave.

But there is another side.
Another faction in this war.
The Mistress is not alone in this battle,
And she fears her enemy for good reason.

He is the Sacrifice.
He is the Light at the end of the tunnel.
He is the Man of Sorrows.
He is their Savior.

Every step they take away,
From their Empty Rapture,
Is another thorn in their side,
He bears with them.

Those that fight their way up,
Bear their scars with shame and pride,
They fight against themselves,
So they can conquer themselves.

He is their fire, their will to live.
He is their hope, a chance to break free.
He is their life, giving them what they threw away.
He is their light, turning all the ugly into beauty.

Where the Mistress offers cold darkness,
He offers light and glory.
She offers a fatal poison,
He offers a Living Antidote.

She offers Hunger and pain,
Wasting her subjects away.
He offers love and warmth,
To sate her evil cancer.

Empty Rapture can drag you down,
Can bury you in guilt and addiction.
However, the Savior can rescue, can preserve.
He can save them from themselves.

Empty Rapture can't save you.
The Savior can.
Empty Rapture can't redeem you.
The Savior can.

Empty Rapture, seductive as she is,
is Powerless before the Savior.
He redeems her subjects, making them his,
He saves all.
I was bored, and tired, and this hit me. One more thing. DON'T DO DRUGS!
Partly by Panhead13, mostly by God, a little from Evanescence
© 2013 - 2024 Panhead13
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Kelpalots's avatar
Strong words, indeed! I know exactly what it's talking about. I'm against corrupted drugs, but not something like cannabis. Cannabis doesn't lead to addiction, and some say God made Cannabis. But, enough about a plant that wasn't involved and any attempt that may seem like propaganda... I love it. It explains exactly what happens. My thoughts are that addiction should be met with education of some kind and kindness, not the heartbroken shame all families seem to face. It's time to wake up these people who have become the Empty Rapture itself! Give them our love, and give them our kindness. Give them an ultimatum, choose love and kindness over the escape. Certainly why I never escaped myself on the plant, but rather induce reality. That's how it should be done...

:favfreak: by Dumnezeu